Bulking In Ramadan (Complete Guide for beginners)

Ramadan is holiest month in muslin community, it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Bulking in Ramadan can be very challenging but it is possible if you do it right enough. During fasting you do not eat and drink for 11 to 18 hours according to your geographical location, it looks terrifying but Ramadan has many health benefits such as;

  • Fasting helps to improve your metabolism.
  • It reduce your blood sugar level.
  • Fasting helps to remove toxins and damaged cells.
  • Fasting helps to reduce risks of cancer diseases.


Bulking In Ramadan

Building muscle is hard enough, while doing it with 11 to 18 hours fast can be more challenging. To build or maintain muscle mass you need to eat more calories with proper weight or resistance training.

Here are some tips for Bulking In Ramadan;

  • Eat high-calories foods like eggs, rice, wheat, dry fruit and whole grains etc.
  • Add Liquid calories, it will help you to consume more calories.
  • Do Weight training regularly.
  • Avoid too much Cardio, just do it a little.
  • Drink as much as water as you can to stay hydrated.
  • Eat foods that are in high in protein.

Bulking is all about eating right food in right proportion, so with a perfect diet plan you can easily achieve your bulking goal. Here are some tips to plan a perfect diet plan for bulking in Ramadan; (1)

Diet For Bulking In Ramadan

Basically in Ramadan our first meal is Suhoor. The main purpose of Suhoor is to prepare your body for fasting which helps to provide energy thought the day.

Suhoor diet should contain foods that are high in protein to maintain muscle mass and slow digestive carbs such as oats, potato’s etc. and healthy fats to have a high protein well-balanced diet. Drink much as water as you can to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Now after 11 to 18 hours of fasting its time for the second meal of the day iftar. Iftar timing is at sunset for Muslim to break their fasting.

Don’t eat too much during after eat  foods that are high in protein to maintain muscle mass and slow digestive carbs such as oats, potato’s etc. and healthy fats to have a high protein well-balanced diet. Drink much as water as you can to stay hydrated.

Now go to the gym and complete your daily workout. You can drink protein shake as post workout to maintain and build muscle mass.

After workout you can have your final meal of the day to consume your daily calorie requirement.


1.Is Ramadan good for bulking?

Bulking is a hard process while doing it in Ramadan makes it more challengung. It is usually not wise to bulk in Ramadan but with a proper plan it is achievable.

2.Is it possible to gain weight during Ramadan?

It is usual to lose or gain weight in Ramadan. Weight basically depends on several factors such as individual diet content, weight prior to Ramadan, body fat ratio, metabolism, calories consumed, duration of fasting etc.

3.Will I lose muscle if I fast Ramadan?

If you stay constant on your diet and eat a well balanced high protein rich foods you will not lose weight neither muscle. But if you aren’t focusing on your diet you will lose muscle.

4.Can you bulk in Ramadan

Yes, you can definitely bulk in Ramadan with proper diet plan and proper training plan.


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