Author name: Muhammad

Cutting In Ramadan
weight loss

Cutting In Ramadan (Complete Guide)

Cutting In Ramadan (Complete Guide) Ramadan is holiest month in muslin community, it is one of the five pillars of Islam. During fasting you do not eat and drink for 11 to 18 hours according to your geographical location, it looks terrifying but Ramadan has many health benefits such as; Fasting helps to improve your […]

Bulking In Ramadan
Build muscle

Bulking In Ramadan (Complete Guide for beginners)

Ramadan is holiest month in muslin community, it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Bulking in Ramadan can be very challenging but it is possible if you do it right enough. During fasting you do not eat and drink for 11 to 18 hours according to your geographical location, it looks terrifying but

Build muscle, Exercises

What is Cardio? (10 best cardio exercises)

Cardio is an physical exercise that helps to improve your cardio vascular health. It is an Physical activity that increase your heart rate and breathing. Health benefits of cardio are given below; Cardio can lower the risk of heart diseases. Cardio can help you to lose body-fat and to maintain a healthy bodyweight. Cardio will

cardio exercises
weight loss

The 10 best cardio exercises to try at home

The 10 best cardio exercises to try at home Cardio is one of the greatest way to lose fat and weight. Cardio, also known as aerobic exercises is beneficial for your physical, mental and cardiovascular health. Cardio helps to improve your heart health by strength your heart muscle. Cardio also helps to lower your blood

lose weight fast
weight loss

5 Ways To Lose Weight Fast And Safely In 2025

5 Ways To Lose Weight Fast And Safely In 2025 Losing weight fast is very easy in 2025, if you want to lose weight fast without doing weight loss mistakes don’t you worry in this blog I will tell you 6 Ways To Lose Weight Fast And Safely In 2025. Quick Summary Eat less calories

gain weight fast
Build muscle

6 Ways To Gain Weight Fast And Safely In 2025

6 Ways To Gain Weight Fast And Safely In 2025 Hardest part of being skinny is that its hard for an skinny person to gain weight. So if your that type of person, well that’s obvious if you are here on this specific article of ~10 ways to gain weight fast~ you are looking ways

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